22nd February 2022 – MS Teams video-conference

1. Welcome and introductions

  • RGr welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Joe Davies (JD) to the group in the role of Association Secretariat.
  • RGr confirmed that Mikko Visa (MV), Finnish Meteorological Institute [FMI] had sent his apologies in advance of the meeting and delegated his vote to RGr.

2. Attendance

  • JT Confirmed that 5 out of 8 delegates attending, therefore quorate.

2.1 Current members that were present

  • Rémy Giraud (RGr), Météo France [MF] - SC Chair
  • Jeremy Tandy (JT), Met Office [UKMO] - SC Vice Chair
  • Kari Sheets (KS), National Weather Service [NWS]
  • Weiqing Qu (WQ), Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)
  • Sungsoo Do (SSDo), Korea Meteorological Administration [KMA]

2.3 Other attendees

  • Joe Davies (JD), (OpenWIS Association Secretariat)

3. Approval of the agenda

  • All - No changes or addition to the agenda.

4. Approval of previous minutes

  • All - No changes recorded at this meeting and approval is to be agreed following the meeting via email.

**ACTION: JD to circulate a copy of the September 2021 Steering Committee minutes to all Committee members, as they are not currently on GitHub and upload a copy to the site. ** UPDATE: Complete

5. Review of pending actions

RGr - confirmed that procedures were in place to delegate the Middleware RFP and that the RFP was ready.

ACTION: JD to send a copy of the final version of the Middleware RFP to Rémy Giraud (RGr), Météo France [MF] and the other Steering Committee members UPDATE: Complete

JD - advised the group that based upon previous conversations with the Technical Committee, the timeframe for a response was expected in three weeks.

RGr- confirmed that the SC has already delegated approval of the document and respective response to the Technical Committee on the basis that the RFP quote is within the agreed budget set aside for the Middleware Project. JT- confirmed he was in agreement with this approach, and this acceptance was echoed by the other committee members in attendance.

ACTION: JD to forward a copy of the signed OpenWIS FMI Delegation document to all OpenWIS Steering Committee members via email UPDATE: Complete

ACTION: JD to update the Steering Committee members on pending actions which require attention.

RGr - expressed thanks to the Technical Committee for their work on the Middleware RFP.

6. Update on bylaws

RGr - advised that he is waiting for copies of respective latest passports from three Committee members, Jeremy Tandy (JT), Met Office [UKMO], Patrick Benichou [MFI] and Jin Yun Hyuk Korea Meteorological Administration.


Middleware RFP - RGr confirmed that below the agreed limit was ‘good’ and within delegated tolerance for the Technical Committee to make a decision. However, if the quote was above the budget a Steering Committee meeting would be required to discuss and agree the next steps.
Decision: It was agreed by the Committee that an approval meeting would be placed in the diary for late March / early April should the need arise.

ACTION: JD to organise a meeting for the 6th April 2022 at 12:00 UTC for one hour Update: Complete

Annual meeting planning -

RGr - instigated a discussion amongst the Committee members to decide dates for the forthcoming annual committee meetings. As a result, the following dates were recorded and subsequently agreed.

Invites have been distributed to the OpenWIS committees accordingly.

Technical Committee

  • Tuesday 17th May 2022 between 12:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC

Steering Committee

  • Session One - Monday the 23rd May 2022 between 12:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC

  • Session Two - Wednesday the 25th May between 12:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC

OpenWIS Association Board

  • Tuesday the 7th June 2022

JT - advised he thought that good progress was being made with WIS2 and that he would like the Committee to review and decide what the OpenWIS will do in support of the software rollout? It was agreed by all present to add this item to the Agenda for the meeting being held in May 2022.