31 May - 1 June 2018
  1. Welcome and introductions
    1. Matteo Dell’Acqua (MDA) (Chair), Weiqing Qu ( WQ), Stephan Siemen (SS), Stacey Harvey (SH), and Kari Sheets (KS) joined the meeting remotely.
  2. Approval of agenda
    1. MDA stated that he will not be available for the full meeting and that he will focus on agenda item 1 to 7. The new president will take remaining items in the meeting.
  3. Declaration of delegates
    1. The current Board members are:
      • Mattéo Dell’Acqua (MDA), Météo France (MF) - Managing Director: Chairperson
      • Jeremy Tandy (JT), Met Office (UKMO) - Managing Director: Vice-Chairperson
      • Patrick Benichou (PB), Météo France International (MFI)
      • Weiqing Qu (WQ), Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)
      • Si Ryong Lee, Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA)
    2. All attendees were content with the following:
      • KMA - Sungsoo Do (SD) representing with authority from KMA Director Si Ryong Lee.
      • MFI - Rémy Gibault (RGb) representing with authority from MFI President - Patrick Benichou
      • Météo France (MF) - Rémy Giraud (RGr) representing with authority from MF Deputy Director General - Anne Debar.
  4. Approval of previous minutes
    1. There were no comments or issues relating to the previous meeting. Therefore, the minutes of last meeting were approved.
  5. Outstanding actions
    1. The following items were outstanding:
      • Definition of a mechanism for supporting projects from a financial viewpoint (https://github.com/OpenWIS/openwis-documentation/issues/296). This is complete. However, it is noted that there are Pull Requests outstanding. Therefore, the action remain as ongoing
      • Establish a draft risk Register and process for the association (https://github.com/OpenWIS/openwis-documentation/issues/227).This is complete. Please note this action to update the rules supplement (https://github.com/OpenWIS/openwis-documentation/issues/410)
  6. OpenWIS Association Membership
    1. Status update - designation of current Partners
      1. IMD - The query is on who in IMD signs the agreement. A response from IMD is awaited to the last correspondence in March 2018. Michael Robbins was copied into all correspondence. The Board agreed the latest status is needed and the new President should introduce themselves to IMD.
      2. CMA - Latest position is not known. There is an outstanding action to send CMA copies of the Articles of Association and Internal rules.
      3. Environnment Canada (EC)- Latest position is not known. RGr – noted that MetPX Sarracenia could benefit from the framework of the OpenWIS Association and that this could be mentioned to EC.
      4. ECMWF - MDA confirmed that ECMWF signed in January 2018 and require confirm of process to pay.
      5. Met.no – No update.
      6. DWD - Initial discussions explained the difference between OpenWIS Association and the OpenWIS Core software. The Board agreed that the OpenWIS Association should try to get DWD onboard
      7. JMA – Will not join following discussion for 6 months.
    2. Approve new Partners recommended by the SC
      • Taking into account the status update of 6.1, there is no new partner to be recommended by the SC.
    3. Fees, subscriptions and contributions to become strategic or associate partner
      • Deferred discussion until the agenda item 13 on the budget are discussed; following discussion of item 13, the Board voted unanimously (5 votes) on keeping the fees unchanged.
      • RESOLUTION The SC agreed that the funds could paid into the ING bank for this transaction.
  7. Election of Managing Directors and SC Chairs
    1. It is noted that a new Managing Director (MD) needs election, as MDA cannot continue due to change of employment from Météo France to ECMWF.
      • RGr is designated as the Board member of Météo France. Therefore Matteo steps down as Chair of the Board.
      • RGr – No face to face meeting is required to update Board membership. This was done when KMA previously changed its Board member.
      • It was agreed that the requirements and procedure of what paperwork needs to be completed needs clarification.
      • Action-BM-2018-3 Establish Belgian Authority requirements for change of President
    2. Elections of Managing Directors:
      • President of Association (Chairman of the Board): JT proposes RGr as President of the Association. RGb seconds. 5 votes, i.e. unanimous. MDA hands the floor tor RGr as new President. Vice chair (JT) and Treasurer (SH) of the Board do not need election/re-election as both are in mid-term of their two-year tenure.
    3. SC Chair and Vice Chair: The Board voted unanimously on electing JT as the chair or the SC. There were no vice-chair candidates for the SC. RGr was nominated and seconded by JT. This was accepted unanimously.
  8. Reports and recommendations from the SC
    1. Review governance and compliance status escalated by the SC.
      • RESOLUTION The Board accepted the compliance recommendation and actions proposed by the SC
    2. Approve initiation of Projects and amendments to Project Charters recommended by SC
      • RESOLUTION The Board approved the four projects endorsed by the SC in principle, subject to confirm of the Project Charters.
      • RESOLUTION The Board endorses the SC to develop the Project Charters.
      • It was noted that there are no amendments to current Project Charters.
      • The four projects, which are studies within minimal software development and should be complete by next annual meeting:
        • Identify a trust model to support WIS2 development
        • Integrating the WIS2 catalogue into commercial search engines
        • Future of metadata formats
        • AMPQ study to support WMO Expert teams
      • It was noted that to date Project Leaders are tasked to write Project Charters by end of June 2018 to enable the SC to approve.
  9. Review and agree mitigation of OpenWIS Association risks, including those escalated by the SC
    • RESOLUTION There were no risks escalated to the Board.
    • It was noted that the SC has agreed the risk management rules and the a new rules supplement is to be published.
  10. Approve of changes to Internal Rules (see Rule A12.17)
    • RESOLUTION The Board unanimously did not approve the Pull Request #337 which is an internal to (almost) allow default 2-year tenure, as this did not appear to provide a benefit.
    • RESOLUTION The Board unanimously approved the Pull Request PR #340 which relates to changes to describe amended governance arrangements.
  11. Annual accounts from 2017 (Treasurer)
    • RESOLUTION The Board approved of 2017 accounts, subject to the changes discussed around the 50 Euro accrual.
    • The Board notes the level of contribution of benefits in kind of the UK Met Office. The Board also notes that this contribution is significantly higher than other organisations. Therefore, the Board would like each partner organisation to look at how it would be able to make contributions in the coming 12 months.
  12. Review the budget set by the SC Chair.
    • The Board reviewed the recommended budget of 58096 Euros for 2018.
  13. Approve the 2018: annual budget, budget amendments and extraordinary expenditure; and reserve fund (see Rule R10.7), set membership fees

    RESOLUTION The Board voted and unanimously approved Approval of 2018 budget of 58,096 Euros.

  14. Any other business
    • All Board members thanked the hosts for their hospitality.
  15. Confirm the host of next meeting
    • The next meeting is scheduled for late November 2018 via teleconference.
    • The Board hope that NWS are able to host the next face to face annual meeting, subject to confirmation by NWS.
  16. Close