
  1. Post-its=Pink
    • XX
    • XX
    • XX
    • XX
  2. Post-its=Blue
    • XX
    • XX
    • XX
    • XX
  3. Post-its=Green
    • XX
    • XX
    • XX
    • XX
  4. Post-its=Yellow
    • XX
    • XX
    • XX
    • XX

Procedure - round 1

  1. Collect the post-its that match your team colour - you will get 10 post-its for this first round
  2. Get your team around a laptop and bring up the openwis4 repo issues list on GitHub
  3. Scan all the issues (there are close to 100) and agree within your team which are the 10 most important to resolve
  4. Write them down, in no particular order
  5. Next, allocate 10 points across the 10 issues, as follows:
    • Each issue can be allocated 0 to 5 points
    • To allocate a point, write the issue number on one of your post-its eg: #50 if you are awarding a point to issue number 50.
    • To allocate 2 points to an issue, you would write the same issue number on 2 post-its; 3 points, write the same issue number on 3 post-its, and so on.
    • Once you have used all your post-its, you will have awarded all your points.
    • Return the post-its and your top-10 list to Paul.

Procedure - round 2

  1. Collect the post-its that match your team colour - you will get 3 post-its for this second round
  2. Get your team around a laptop and bring up the openwis repo issues list on GitHub
  3. Scan all the issues and agree within your team which are the 3 most important to resolve
  4. Write them down, in no particular order
  5. Next, allocate 3 points across the 3 issues, as follows:
    • Each issue can be allocated 0 to 3 points
    • To allocate a point, write the issue number on one of your post-its eg: #50 if you are awarding a point to issue number 50.
    • To allocate 2 points to an issue, you would write the same issue number on 2 post-its; 3 points, write the same issue number on 3 post-its.
    • Once you have used all your post-its, you will have awarded all your points.
    • Return the post-its and your top-3 list to Paul.

Procedure - round 3

  1. Collect the post-its that match your team colour - you will get 3 post-its for this third round
  2. Repeat the procedure from round 2 but for the openwis-documentation repo.


Paul will collate the results and we will see which issues have been voted highest priority based on how many points were awarded across all four teams. Then we will have a group discussion to sense check and moderate the outcomes. At the same time, we will assign a MoSCoW (Must/Should/Could/Won’t) priority to each of the issues. Those Github issues that were awarded no points will be WON’Ts (for the next release). Those with a high number of points will be MUSTs for the next release. During the moderation discussion, we will agree on where to draw the lines between MUST, SHOULD and COULD.